Tuesday, October 9, 2007


This weekend I went camping for the first time here! It was unlike any camping I have ever done in the states though! We took the ferry from Saipan to Managaha (it was a very short but very beautiful trip) after church on Sabbath. The water was amazing, it was such an awesome bright blue. Right after we set up our tents I went down to the water and the first thing I saw was a baby shark! We ended up seeing tons of them throughout the trip. Between trying to climb palm trees, stargazing/riddle-telling on the beach, crab-hunting, shark-spotting and playing my ukulele, it was a pretty spectacular time. I wished we could have stayed longer but we left at 10am Sunday. Actually I'm kind of glad because by 9 the place was already swarming with tourists (and there's not much room-the island is tiny!) I'm so glad I get to be in a place where I can do this kind of thing. Saipan is a pretty darn small island and I thought that I might feel claustrophobic on it but there actually is a lot to do here. I know it must be nothing compared to the bigger, more lush islands but it is beautiful and fun here in it's own right. It is still crazy to me though how there is so much touristy/'luxury' stuff right next to like ghetto all mixed in with jungle wilderness. Even though it is all close together, when you're there, you don't think about the other stuff. I don't know if that made any sense but oh well. Soon I'm going to be getting internet at my apartment yay! Right now I am trying to plan my vacation travel plans and it's hard because obviously there are so many choices but they're all so expensive! Anyway, work is crazy, we just keep getting new kids! Today there were three new kids in the 2-year-old class and they screamed all day. I felt really bad for the two teachers having to deal with them plus like 12 other 2 year olds. I haven't had any screamers for a few days now but it seems like every day at least one kid pees their pants, throws up, or something equally or more disgusting. That's the trade off I guess for not having to grade papers and write tests. Anyway overall though, everything is awesome. God is good!

Saipanism of the Day:
I don't know if this happens in other islands too, but here if they want to know to whom something belongs they say "Whose own is that?" or they say "That's Riki's own" or whatever.


Sean said...

What's up Skatr Girl!

So here's the deal, if you want to travel. . .if you've got at least 25,000 frequent flyer miles you can go just about anywhere in Asia for free (Japan, Philippines, Australia, Bali, Palau, etc). I don't know if you've earned that much yet. Also I heard they have pretty cheap flights to Japan right now.

Minisavage said...

In Pohnpei when they are talking about something belonging to someone they say "who is this for?" or "Is this for you?" haha. Also, it sounds like your island camping trip was spectacular, I wish I could be camping with you, I miss you buddy friend!! Keep blogging! Oh, and I'm excited that you are planning to come for Christmas!! I love you and am praying for you!

808 said...

what a beautiful island!