Happy Sabbath! Although it is almost over for me, it's just starting for you mainlanders :). I will try to fill you in on the last few days. We had a 3-day orientation in Hawaii for all of the student missionaries going to Micronesia and neighboring islands. On Wed. myself and four other girls flew from Honolulu to Guam which took about 7 and 1/2 hours and then from Guam to Saipan which took about 20 minutes (I'm pretty sure that is the shortest flight I have ever been on!). When we got out of the airport that evening, there was a big group of people with a sign and everything to welcome us. I was really surprised! That night I moved into a very tiny apartment, but it is worth it because it is right on the beach!
Yesterday was very busy-we visited the school, we had to go to the DMV-type place to get our Saipan drivers' licenses, to the clinic to get our health clearances (required for teachers), to the bank to open accounts, and to shop for groceries and other things. This managed to take up pretty much the whole day. Last night we had dinner at my principal's house which was fun. The whole staff of the school was there. This morning some of the teachers took us up to Banzai cliff at 4:30am to watch the sun rise. It was cloudy so we could really see much but it was still fun. When I got back to my apartment, we still had a few hours before church so my roommate and I went snorkeling (we saw a bat ray it was awesome). The church here is (obviously) really small but the people are really friendly and welcoming. The church has lots of kids in it and they are so cute and fun. We had a potluck afterward and there was lots of yummy Asian food mmmmm. It has been raining on and off all day. Right now I am at the house of some of the SMs. My apartment doesn't have internet or even a phone yet but hopefully it will get set up soon. So anyway what I can say so far is that it is a major adjustment but I can see that I will really like it here once I get used to it. Wish me luck as I get ready to start teaching next week!
Hey Riki,
Thanks for the update. Your positive attitude shows in your writing. It will be a great asset for a successful year!
Welcome to Saipan Riki! Looking forward to new adventures with you and the other Sm's. =)
Hi, Riki!
We were so happy to read about your new adventure! Sounds like so much fun, yet we know there are challenges you are facing, too..... but its all part of the experience that will benefit you all your life.
We are so proud of you, and what you are doing...... we want you to know you are in our prayers and thoughts daily,
Much love, Nanna and Grandpa
glad i found this blog :)
I'm glad you're here, Riki! It's gonna be a lot of fun! I can't wait to get to know you more!
Hey Rikiii!!!! I love your blog. The title is just so great. I'm really glad you commented on Katie's blog because that's how I found your blog. So yay. Now I know where it is. But when I read the address first (rikismblog) I thought it was basically saying "Riki's, mmm, blog." Yeah, I felt a little silly when I realized that the S didn't belong with Riki and that SM stood for, well, Student Missionary. Anyway, I hope all is going well for you and that the communication stuff gets better soon. ~BW
Hi Riki,
So glad that you are in Saipan safely. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Sounds like you are having fun already. I am anxious to hear all about your adventures.
Love, Debbie Ashlock
Hi Riki,
It was so much fun hearing about your activities there in Saipan. I know you will be a fabulous teacher!! Those children are so fortunate to have you for their teacher. We have some friends in Texas who lived in Saipan for a number of years. He was a dentist there and his name is Dr. George Hartshorn. I will be so excited to hear more of your adventures.
Love you lots,
Auntie Jana
Hey Riki,
I love your blog title! I figure since we hardly see each other I should check out your blog so how I can keep up with how your year is going!
Babs and I are both so glad to have you on the team and I know you'll do great!
p.s. Your Aunt Jana mentioned the Hartshorns? They're some of our dearest friends. They were here in Saipan when we moved here and I taught their older daughter, and Babs taught their younger daughter!
Hey, Riki~ I just had time to check out your blog and I am so happy you arrived safely in Saipan and were warmly welcomed by a crowd of people...unlike another SM person we both know who was all alone on her arrival at the airport in a foreign land. So, your family and I are very pleased you treatly so well. Well, I am going to read your next blog now. Hugs to you! Mrs. Bills
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