Saturday, March 8, 2008

An entry long overdue!

Ok, I realized that my last blog was kind of depressing. But that's not how it actually is around here. I have so many blessings in my life and a lot to be happy about, every single day. Here are some of the highlights of my life for the last few months/weeks (not necessarily in chronological order).
Preschool Field Trip to Saipan Botanical Gardens (Jan) !

Weekend at Managaha with the school (Feb) !

Preschool Field Trip to the Zoo (March) !

Having fun with friends (whenever possible) !
Sorry I've been horrible at updating this thing, I'm going to try to cram it all in though, just wait!
Saipanism of the Day: The phrase of recent times is "Nothing power!" which means that we are having yet another power outage thanks to CUC, the island's utility company, not paying for its fuel or something, I don't quite gather the whole situation. All I know is that there is nothing power or sometimes nothing water also. And it's a pain. Especially nothing water.


Secret Gardener said...

I like that you crammed everything into one long post. It brings back great memories. :)

I had fun diving with you today and getting coffee. Let's have lots of fun while everyone ditches us in Palau. Grotto! Wing Beach! African Cuisine! We're all lined up lady!

Glad you're with us. Peace.

Minisavage said...

We also have "nothing water" and "nothing power" days. D-Da-da definitely annoying! Also I have "nothing sanity" days, ya know?